
Book your 30-minute
Discovery Call with Tina




I’m a 47 year old teenage cancer survivor, Christian, Mother, Registered Nurse and Board Certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner. As a teen battling cancer, I endured physical, mental and emotional stress on my body. As an adult survivor, I battled headaches, anxiety, gut issues and insomnia for years, did not eat healthy, did not exercise, and did not rest. I just didn’t know. Through my continued education, I have learned that genetics may play a role in our health, but lifestyle plays a much bigger role.  My life has changed drastically, and I can’t tell enough people! I am passionate about teaching others how to keep their environment and immune system strong, healthy and balanced. I help clients, right from their homes, all over the country, identify malfunctions and underlying conditions through functional lab assessments, and address many common health complaints such as insomnia, fatigue, headaches, hair loss, chronic pain, depression, anxiety, stress and digestive issues. I also help parents implement food and lifestyle changes to help children stay off medication, concentrate in school, feel better, sleep better, have better behaviors, and most importantly have a healthy, strong immune system. My passion is to teach others what I know on how to get well and stay well naturally as well as keeping a strong internal environment that sickness and Cancer cannot thrive in. Let’s stop putting a band aid on health issues and get to the root cause. It feels so good to FEEL GOOD!


Professional Degrees and Certifications:
 Certified in Health Science
 Associate Degree in Health Science- Nursing
 Board Certified RN (Registered Nurse)
 FDN-P (Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner Certification)
 AFDN-P (Association of Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioners)
 American Association of Drugless Practitioner
 Holistic Health Practitioner