We offer Carefully curated programs to finally get you the answers you need! We use a comprehensive investigative process that leaves no stone unturned. Our systematic whole body Approach is designed to heal the body naturally and create long lasting results.  

to Your All-in-One
Functional wellness Solution

Hello & Welcome  

Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?

We see you, caught in that endless cycle of chasing symptoms and feeling like you're going nowhere fast. We've been there – prescriptions, fad diets, meticulously counting every calorie, and even trying out the latest social media-approved supplements.

You know something is off.  Maybe your days are exhausting, and your nights are restless. You're battling with full-body fatigue, low mood, irritability, weight gain, and digestive issues, just to name a few. Your doctor says "your labs look normal," but you know deep down that your health is taking a turn for the worse, and you're eager to get ahead of the inevitable.

You're ready to dive in and make the necessary changes, but you're feeling lost, not knowing where to start! We understand! And we are here, fully committed to helping you reclaim your health! No more guesswork! No more quick fixes that leave you feeling worse later on. Through lab-driven recommendations tailored to your unique body, we can help you turn things around and reclaim your vitality!

sign me up!  

You're tired of hearing that your labs are normal while you're still struggling daily. You're ready for answers!

You're ready for a partnership on your health and wellness journey- but understand that you are the change maker in your story!  

You already know you have a lot to unpack when it comes to your health and you have no idea where to start!. Overwhelm has set in! 

You're open to coaching and understand that lasting change requires you to play the long game!  Making meaningful changes can be simple but is rarely ever easy! 

At our core, we believe in creating a strong partnership between you and our team. We want to work with those that are ready for big change and excited to dive in with us to see lasting change and real results! 

Are we right for you?

Relentless fatigue that keeps you crawling back to bed
Ongoing struggles with sleep every night
Feeling overwhelmed and stressed
Experiencing anxiety and/or low moods
Dealing with hair loss, headaches, and skin troubles
Losing your usual zest for life... just feeling off
Finding it hard to shed extra weight
Unexplained abdominal pains that won't go away
Dealing with constipation or diarrhea
Feeling bloated and uncomfortable
Developing more food sensitivities
Having a foggy, forgetful mind
Trouble focusing and staying on task
Unpredictable menstrual cycles
Difficulty Conceiving 
Experiencing hot flashes and night sweats
Feeling less interested in activities you used to love
Struggling with uncontrollable cravings
Joint pain or stiffness
Chronic inflammation
Allergies or sensitivities

Can you relate? Are these issues standing in the way of everything you love? This is us telling you: That this is not "normal," and it's time to regain control over your health, so you can look and feel your absolute best! 


Education for lasting results

We have created modules through out our program to give you the opportunity to learn our ways! We don't want to simply tell you what to do, we want you to fully understand the WHY behind our recommendations and change the way you live and think about your health.


One on one SUPPORT 

Our programs last for a few months. Once we have your lab results, your practitioner will design a plan for you and schedule a session to discuss the results and recommendations. Your package also covers follow-up sessions to make adjustments, answer your questions, and guide you along the way. At the end of the program, we'll provide more recommendations to help you continue your progress.


Nutrition & Lifestyle

We carefully curated over 25 modules of diet and lifestyle recommendations with you in mind! We can't heal in the environment we got sick in! this is  foundational to your  healing journey and we have taken the guesswork out if for you.  


Functional Lab testing 

We use functional lab testing to dive deep into gut health, stress & sex hormones along with intercellular minerals. We work systematically to correct what we find.  Everything is done from the comfort of your own home! No lab draws, or office visits. 


"Healing the body goes beyond symptom relief"

It involves addressing the metabolic chaos and nurturing the body back to a state of balance and harmony.

 We are excited to be able to service our clients from all areas of the nation. We can do so via our online tele-health system or over the phone.
What works for you, works for us! 

Our programs are fully online available nation wide!

Let help you from the comfort of your home with
our fully online services.

Collect and Send
in your labs

  1. Lab kits will be shipped directly to your doorstep.
  2. Once you've collected your samples, simply send them back to the lab.
  3. In a matter of weeks, our lab partner will have your results ready.

  1. Now that you have your Wellness Plan in place its time to get to work and start seeing results!
  2. This approach ensures the process is guided with clarity and support.
  3. We've handled all the details, removing the overwhelm or confusion for you!
  4. Let the change begin!

SChedule a discovery call with your preferred  practitioner

SChedule Your results and recommendations session

Sign up for the package that best suits your needs with the help of your practitioner.

Gain Access to our pillars of health protocol 

  1. Schedule a complimentary discovery call with us.
  2. Discuss your health concerns and goals.
  3. Explore how we can support your unique needs.

  1. Work together with your practitioner to choose the best program for your needs.
  2. Begin your journey to better health with a customized plan.

Begin your healing journey with these initial recommendations, tailored further once we have your lab results.
  1. Diet
  2. Rest
  3. Exercise
  4. Stress Reduction
  1. Once lab results are in,  your practitioner will craft your custom wellness plan.
  2. You  will  then be prompted to schedule your results and recommendations session via zoom.

Begin your protocol
with our support

How it works...




BOOK A discovery call
 WITH kristy!



 with Emily!

Kristy Roderick

Sabrina Bailey

Tina Weiss

Emily Horton

We're a team of four registered nurses who share the same passion for bridging the healthcare gap. Our goal is to provide foundational health recommendations that promote wellness and prevent disease. We're proud to say that our recommendations are backed by comprehensive functional labs, which help us connect the dots and provide a one-of-a-kind health rebuild service!

Book a Package with your Preferred Revive Practitioner.

Frequently asked Questions-

1. Do You Take Insurance?
Regrettably, we don't currently accept insurance coverage. However, some clients have successfully utilized their HSA/FSA funds for their GI Map, Dutch, and Thyroid Panel

2. After the Program Ends: What's Next?
At the end of your program, you will have a final call! This allows us to revaluate your needs and progress and make additional recommendation. We can create a custom pack for you moving forward. 

3. Utilizing Previous Testing:
If you've recently undergone a GI Map, HTMA, bloodwork, or Dutch test in the past 60 days and haven't initiated a protocol, we can integrate these results. 

Carrot cake I love gummies sesame snaps chocolate bar marshmallow sweet roll. Dessert candy canes shortbread apple pie pudding. Apple pie I love shortbread dragée icing. 

+ How do I book?

+ What is the best way to contact you?

+ How are payments made?

+ Frequently asked question

+ Frequently asked question

It is super easy to get in contact! You can contact me here, and I will get back to you within 2 business days.

+ Frequently asked question

+ Frequently asked question

+ How are payments made?

+ What is the best way to contact you?

+ How do I book?

Carrot cake I love gummies sesame snaps chocolate bar marshmallow sweet roll. Dessert candy canes shortbread apple pie pudding. Apple pie I love shortbread dragée icing. Carrot cake I love gummies sesame snaps chocolate bar marshmallow sweet roll. 

+ Frequently asked question

+ Frequently asked question

+ How are payments made?

+ What is the best way to contact you?

+ How do I book?

Carrot cake I love gummies sesame snaps chocolate bar marshmallow sweet roll. Dessert candy canes shortbread apple pie pudding. Apple pie I love shortbread dragée icing. Carrot cake I love gummies sesame snaps chocolate bar marshmallow sweet roll. 

+ Frequently asked question

+ Frequently asked question

+ How are payments made?

+ What is the best way to contact you?

+ How do I book?

Carrot cake I love gummies sesame snaps chocolate bar marshmallow sweet roll. Dessert candy canes shortbread apple pie pudding. Apple pie I love shortbread dragée icing. Carrot cake I love gummies sesame snaps chocolate bar marshmallow sweet roll. 

+ Frequently asked question

+ Frequently asked question

+ How are payments made?

+ What is the best way to contact you?

+ How do I book?